
15 Results

Obligations For The Maintenance Of A Single Family Office In Singapore

Introduction Single Family Offices (“SFO”) in Singapore must meet a variety of statutory and compliance requirements ensure the SFO remains in good standing with regulatory authorities. Here are the key components of the obligations of an SFO in Singapore: Corporate Secretarial Services: Engaging a corporate secretary is mandatory. The corporate secretary ensures compliance with corporate […]

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What is Tech@SG Tech@SG programme is administered by two government organizations, the Singapore Economic Development Board (“EDB”) and Enterprise Singapore (“ESG”). It aims to help fast-growing companies establish their core teams in Singapore and bring aboard skilled foreign talent. Under the programme, eligible companies are assisted in two aspects: Company-level endorsement to the Ministry of […]

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Updates to the S13O/U Tax Incentive Schemes Processing Regime

Introduction On March 15, 2024, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) announced changes to the application process for the S13O and S13U tax incentive schemes for single-family offices (“SFOs”). Notable changes to the application process include MAS consolidating the old Annex A and Annex B stages and requiring all necessary information to be prepared for […]

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Introduction To Tech.Pass And Tech@SG

Introduction Singapore has emerged as a global hub for digital innovation and tech start-ups – ranked as the 2nd easiest country to do business in globally[1], 5th most innovative economy in the world[2], having the 8th best startup ecosystem globally in 2023[3]. With the 2nd strongest IP regime in the world[4], nationwide digitally driven initiatives, […]

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Single-Family Office VS Private Investment Company

Introduction The onshoring of funds in Singapore provides a choice of various structures: this article discusses the difference between a single-family office structure and a private investment company. Both options enable investors to consolidate their assets, diversify their portfolios and manage their assets more efficiently. Utilising private limited companies, the structures limit a shareholder’s liability […]

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Why Do Wealthy Individuals Come To Singapore?

Introduction With the globalisation of wealth, high net worth individuals (“HNWI”) often look beyond their home countries for investment and residency options. Singapore has established itself as a prime destination for HNWI from across Asia and around the world, ranking third place after the UAE and Australia on the highest inflow of HNWI according to […]

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Pitfalls Of Holding An EP Under A Sham Working Arrangement

Introduction Professionals looking to live and work in Singapore would typically apply for the Employment Pass (“EP”) under the sponsorship of the employing company. However, the benefits of obtaining an EP, as well as it being a precursor for foreigners looking for longer-term relocation plans to Singapore, have resulted in some individuals intentionally flouting the […]

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The Singapore EntrePass

Introduction The EntrePass, administered by the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM”), is a work visa for foreign entrepreneurs looking to set up and operate businesses in Singapore that are venture-backed or own innovative technologies. This article will elaborate on the objective and purpose of the EntrePass, the eligibility criteria for interested applicants, the passes available for […]

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Becoming A Singaporean

Introduction Obtaining Singapore Citizenship (“SC”) can be done in a number of ways, all of which require proper planning and preparation. The most crucial requirement to apply for SC, amongst others, is for one to first be a Singapore Permanent Resident (“SPR”). At Sim Mong Teck & Partners, the 2 main ways our high-net-worth clients […]

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Family Office Schemes: Singapore vs Hong Kong

Introduction The Singapore tax incentive scheme for single family offices (“SFO”), also referred to as the Section 13O and Section 13U of the Income Tax Act (“SG Scheme”), has been attracting global high-net-worth individuals (“HNWIs”) to Singapore when looking to set up their SFOs for wealth preservation and management. Similarly, Hong Kong has a concessionary […]

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Updates To The S13O/U Tax Incentive Schemes

Introduction On 5 July 2023, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) announced changes to the requirements for the S13O and S13U tax incentive schemes for single family offices (“SFOs”). Notable changes to the qualifying criteria for the schemes include conditions for the fund’s assets under management, hiring of investment professionals, minimum business spending requirement and […]

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Becoming A Singapore Permanent Resident

Introduction  For many people looking to live and work in Singapore for the longer term, obtaining Singapore Permanent Resident (“SPR”) status is a logical step with the many benefits the status confers on foreigners. In Singapore, all SPR applications are regulated and overseen by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (“ICA”). This article examines the eligibility […]

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What Happens To The FIS Clients Now?

Introduction The Financial Investor Scheme (“FIS”) was an investment programme that offered Singapore Permanent Residence (“SPR”) status to investors. This article explores what the FIS is, the eligibility criteria for investing in the scheme, the individuals who benefitted from the scheme, the events that led to the termination of the programme and considerations for FIS […]

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COMPASS: Employment Pass Applications Head In A New Direction

Introduction First announced in March 2022, the Complementarity Assessment Framework (“COMPASS”) is a new points-based framework for Employment Pass (“EP”) applications that are regulated by the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM”). It will take effect on 1 September 2023 for new EP applications and from 1 September 2024 onwards for EP renewals. This article will elaborate […]

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