
15 Results

Safeguarding Your Legacy: 7 Common Blind Spots Relating to Your Wills

Introduction As Singapore’s population continues to age, the significance of legacy planning and will preparation has never been more crucial. An increasing number of individuals are taking a proactive approach, enrolling in courses and educating themselves about the complexities involved in legacy planning and will-drafting. However, this intricate process is rife with potential pitfalls and […]

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A Singapore Context: Estate Planning and the Non-Traditional Family Unit

Introduction In Singapore, the landscape of family structures is slowly evolving, mirroring global trends towards more diverse familial arrangements. While the traditional nuclear family remains prevalent, an increasing number of families are embracing non traditional configurations, including same-sex couples, non-wedded cohabitating couples, and single parent households. However, amidst the celebration of diversity, there lies a […]

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Missing Wills: What Happens Next?

Introduction As seasoned legal practitioners in the field of Estate Planning, we are accustomed to fielding inquiries regarding Wills and the probate process on a daily basis. Among the most frequent queries we encounter are: “What are the ramifications if the original Will cannot be located? Is the submission of a copy considered acceptable?” Such […]

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Advanced Care Planning And The Lasting Powers Of Attorney: A Holistic Approach To Legacy Planning

Introduction Legacy planning transcends the mere transfer of tangible assets to one’s descendants; it delves into the intangible impressions and enduring associations woven into the fabric of one’s name. With regard to tangible assets, the necessary arrangements and steps should be taken by the individual to ensure that his/her affairs are well-managed and planned to […]

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Powers Of Early Termination Of A Trust By Its Beneficiaries – Exploring The Rule In Saunders v Vautier

Introduction Every so often, in the planning for the distribution of assets via a testamentary trust, testators (for the purposes of this article, the term “testator” is used interchangeably with the term “settlor” because the testator of the will is effectively also the settlor of the testamentary trust created by the testator’s will) would request […]

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Foreign LPAs And Their Applicability In The Singapore Jurisdiction

Introduction Singapore, being an international hub, draws a huge number of expatriates and immigrants all year round – Many of whom have amassed substantial assets, both immoveable and moveable, not only in their countries of origin but in multiple other jurisdictions. Those who are slightly more informed in estate planning have even gone on to […]

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Legacy Planning – The Pivotal Role Of Wills In The Creation, Protection And Distribution Of Your Estate

  Introduction Legacy Planning stands as an indispensable compass that navigates the complexities of estate management for the prosperity of the future generations. Within this strategic framework, Estate Creation, Estate Protection and Estate Distribution emerge as the fundamental pillars, each playing a distinct role in shaping a comprehensive and enduring legacy; and binding these three […]

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Joint Bank Accounts: Does The Right Of Survivorship Truly Apply?

Introduction To many individuals, it is understood that the right of survivorship should apply to joint bank accounts. The seamless transfer of assets from one account holder to another upon death has long been a cornerstone of financial planning, providing a sense of security and continuity. Yet, beneath the surface of this seemingly straightforward principle […]

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A Single Global Will vs Multiple Jurisdictional Wills: Which Is Better?

Introduction In the complex world of legacy planning, the decision to draft a will is a vital step that ensures one’s hard-earned assets and cherished possessions are distributed according to his/her wishes after his/her demise. With globalization occurring at such a rapid pace and more individuals having assets in multiple jurisdictions, therein lies a common […]

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Business Succession Planning: Keeping Your Business Alive With The Next Generation

Introduction In the dynamic world of business, one constant remains true: change is inevitable. While entrepreneurs and business owners are often focused on the day-to-day operations and growth of their enterprises, they frequently overlook the one crucial aspect that can have a significant impact on their legacy and the future of their businesses – business […]

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Preserving Legacies Beyond Wills: The Power of Legacy Letters

Introduction In an age where more individuals are starting to recognise the importance of legacy planning, legacy letters, together with the will and lasting power of attorney, become essential tools for a holistic legacy plan. While wills handle the distribution of assets, legacy letters play a very different role, providing the writer the opportunity to […]

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Family Constitution And My Family

Introduction In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, we see the emergence of families that have amassed huge amounts of wealth in recent years. Such families face unique challenges when it comes to preserving their wealth, values, and unity across generations. Family constitutions have emerged as a powerful tool for such families to navigate these challenges, […]

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Understanding The Differences And Benefits Of A Will And A Trust

Introduction Estate planning can be a complex and daunting task for many individuals, but it is a necessary step to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your demise.  Wills and trusts are two of the most common estate planning tools that individuals in Singapore use to achieve this goal. However, […]

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CPF From A Legacy Planning Perspective

Introduction The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a mandatory savings and social security scheme that is designed to help Singaporeans save throughout their working lives for their retirement. Our CPF contributions are deducted from our salary and are paid into a personal CPF account which can then be used to fund a range of expenses, […]

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